Monday 30 March 2020

Three things are necessary to start blog and website.

Three things are necessary to start a blog and website.
1# Computer and laptop.
The most significant thing is computer or laptop because without this you can't commencement the journey of blogging and its play a crucial rule in blogging and doesn't matter that either you have laptop or computer but its must be functional.

 You know there is hundred of advantageous of computer and also you can take much more benefits from it you learn from you can watch it and you can find anything whatever you want an even you can earn money with your laptop and i recommend the laptop better then computer because you can do work each and every where whatever you want but in computer you can't beget with yourself so that is why laptop is more commencement .

2# Internet connection .
The second major things is internet connection which is WiFi or your cellphone connection but thats to be fast . You know with the help of internet you can update yourself whats going in the world and now a days the people call the world is global village with help of internet and technology.

 But always remember to use it positive there is a quotation that coin has two sided every thing is two side one is positive and the next one is negative we should have to use it in good purpose it just like for education and for information and even we can earn money with internet also we use for earning. There is more then thousand advantageous of internet .

3# Best English .
English is also necessary for blogging,these three are the wheel of blogging whenever one of them is not working then you can't go ahead now in English there is many kind in English but which one is important for website or blog now let me start explanation there are three subtopic .
(1) The first one is writing .
Now what is writing English the first thing that how to write English it needs English grammar that what you want to write for this we should have to know about tenses! after that you will be able to write something whatever you want and you need to know that which tense i use here then you will easily know .And the next important thing is prictise whenever you do more prictise you will become more expert and prictise can make a man perfect the more you prictise the more you lean so we should have to write more and more and always write a different article on different topic and we should have to write letter,application,and easy and if we continue a couple of month then we will-be expert of writing

(2) The second one is speaking .Speaking play a crucial rule in English and speaking is very effortful thing  in all of these because its need more hard work the person who can speak defiantly  he will be the best writer because he don't have any shortage of new word if have a word so he can write the best article on every topic just because of good speaking and "How we can better our speaking"
it need rehearsal on daily basis i think if someone want to become a fluent he need to know the significant of rehearsal that is the thing and how to do you need to do prictise with yourself whenever you are prepare then you can speak in the prant of anyone even if you dont have anyone then you can stand in the prant of mirror and the initial days you will be very weak but with a passage of time you will be improve.
(3) The third one is listening.
listening mean to hearing something.So how to improve our listening power its also need listening the more you listen the more you understand we need do watch English movies drama and all BBC news on these thing we will improve our listening power soon.Its depends upon us that you do how much hard work and smart work.

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