Thursday 25 June 2020

How to submit your blog on google search console

How to submit your blog on google search console

Let me explain that how to submit your blog or blog-post on google

 webmaster tool.

If you want to rank your blog on google. You should have to index your blog.

Most of the blogger don’t submit their blog post to google.


Google automatically crawl their blog post but it can take a day, week,

 month and sometime take a year.


If your content is new and interesting google like that. You just have to do


 For which purpose we submit out blog, we want to index our blog on google

and some time we want to index out blog post fast on google.


Google already know that about your blog post but it takes time for crawl on

google. We just request to google to index it as soon as possible.


Now, I am gonna show you the exact method which we use for that specific work.

When you start googling, first you will type on google that “How to submit

your blog on google search console” then open the first website and click on search console.


If you want to index you whole blog on google search console you should

have to copy your URL or blog address and paste on the search console.


You will go to sitemap there is a short process by doing this you will directly

reach to place there you copy your blog-post URL and eventually they will

give you response on the base of your work.


After a few minutes you can search on google. Defiantly, you will find out on google.


There is no need to index every blog-post on google webmaster tool.


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Without, requesting google can crawl your content just because of google know each and every thing about your blog with the help of sitemap.xml coding.

On daily base google become very smart. There are some rules that’s call google SEO which is really important for a blog to rank on google.



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How to submit your blog on google search console

How to submit your blog on google search console Let me explain that how to submit your blog or blog-post  on google   webmaster tool. ...