Wednesday 3 June 2020

Google SEO factor, which help on ranking your blog

Google 10+SEO factor, which help on ranking your blog.

 Probably, you may know that Google uses over 200+ factor in their algorithm.

Google look up 200+factor to rank a blog, doesn’t matter which is either small or big mistake, but it can defect your site on ranking.

I would like to explain a few of them, which is more important for google ranking.

Without knowing these factors, isn’t difficult but, it’s impossible to rank your blog.

First of all, it’s really important for a professional blogger to well know about google ranking factor, if he wants to rank his website.

Before you write something, you must have to know about the rules of google and writing, then probably your blog post rank on google.

I will explain, some most important factor; which can rank your site.

 Most of the people think, most of the time that why my website isn’t ranking. They are crazy to rank, but it doesn’t why because of they don’t have more knowledge about google ranking factor. Which completely depends upon that.

Hundred and thousand beginner bloggers think, that there is only a key. By pressing this key, you can rank your site.

They mean’s that there is no need of hard work but just start and rank but it’s not reality. It’s just imagination and dream.


A few steps which is more important for Google ranking.

1. Duplicate content


Duplicate content is very dangerous for ranking on google. Google know each and everything, even google also know the idea which you take from any website.

Take care whenever you write the blog post for your blog, don’t copy someone a

nd also, don’t write the synonyms of the same article you can scam with google plagiarism checker, but you can’t scam with google algorithm.

By scamming google algorithm defect your site authority, which is really important for ranking first.    


If you want to rank on google you should have to take care of each and every thing.


2.Domain Age, Authority and URL

As we know that, your website depends on many things domain age, authority and URL is also part of them.

I had saw hundreds of websites which ranking from many years, but whenever their domain is expire, then it falls down on ranking.

Many websites which is very fresh and new, it takes the place of that website which have less authority.

The best way for selecting your domain? You must focus on URL the reflect

Your site and optimize the heck out of it instead!

We can check page authority or domain authority with Open Site Explorer.

the heck plugs your URL into the onsite search box, you will receive report showing domain authority.

3. Optimize content

We had talked a lot about content writing to Google SEO ranking factors.

You know why, just because of it’s really necessary search ranking factors.

One negative SEO ranking factor to be avoid of duplicate content. For SEO needs, original, fresh, and quality content whenever your blog post is qualifying all these conditions than no one can’t stop your site from ranking.


But one of the big questions we get at optinMonster is about how to use LSI keyword to optimize content. So, let’s get started now.


How to understand LSI keywords and SEO Ranking

First of all, what’s LSI means (latent semantic indexing) keywords. SEO is not the main keyword. It’s also really important to include the terms which people search.

These are known LSI keyword. They provide a king of association to help google know which should have to show first.


Think about it: suppose you have your own website. And most of your visitor type the phrase “best website to make money online” but people also search by voice “which is the best website to make money online in google”.


Now both the question is targeting the same thing, now what would happen google will show which one, google will give different result.

LSI keyword use in that place google decide which one show first.


Is content length an SEO Ranking Factor or not?

Yes, it’s SEO factor. Google think is content long and good quality google put it to ranking. Long content can be considered more informative compare to short, so it’s really important to write long and high-quality content, if you want to rank your blog.


According to research, that all those blogpost rank on google which is more than 2000 word so, it’s understood that long content is more advantages.




4. User experience (rankbrin)

Google use artificial intelligence for better rank web pages. It known is signal Rnakbrin.


If more people land on your site and then, they don’t stay there and go back. Google understand that it’s not relevant to their need. Then it’s not quite difficult to rank your site but, it’s become impossible to rank on google.


It’s really important to write friendly blog post, because whenever your visitor is connected to you.

Then you will easily rank on google and your site authority will become strong and google will understand that your site is good that is why the people spend more time on it.

The more you hard work the you will progress and grow.

·        Click through rate: the number of people who click to visit your site after an entry comes up.

·        Dwell time: it’s beneficial for you that how much long visitor stay in your site.

·        Bounce rate. All the people who click on your page and quickly go back to the search result.


5. links use

As we know that from the start, that webs basically build from links. Links are a crucial SEO ranking signal. There are three types of links.

Ø Internal links


Ø Outbound links


Ø Inbound links


Eventually, linking to your content can tie pages to on another.

Google and your visitors, making each page more valuable. If you have one of high authoritative page and link to another page on your site, that make it easy to your visitor find out the other page and also passes on some authority.

Whenever you create a new content, make sure to build a good internal link for it. It will support one another.

Link will rank your page.

All these types of links are tied to descriptive anchor text.


6. Social signals

Most of the people share their content on social media networks, it’s also valuable.

According to research study 22 million shares found on social media links, and they rank their site on google.

According to google official word is the social share are not direct ranking factor. 

Link from Facebook, twitter, what’s app aren’t counted the same as likes from high authority websites.


7. Grammar mistake

Grammar mistake and spelling mistake is also big mistake for ranking. Every mistake can count which is big or small.

The less or more use of punctuation is also considered to be a big mistake and it can defect your site on ranking.

8. keyword in description tag:

Google never use the meta description tag as a ranking signal. Your description tag can impact click through rate which is key ranking factor.


 9. Page loading speed

Google also matter page loading time. When your page loading time is more, the visitor of your site can decrease because of page loading time.

If you want to rank your blog you need to know page loading speed.

Always try to increase page loading speed, and it can be increase by low quality picture. Don’t update picture more than 800 kb.


10. mobile friendly

Always update mobile friendly article because most of the visitor, visit on cell phone so make sure that your blog post is mobile friendly or not.







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